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Sophisticated cyberattacks involving phishing, malware, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) put individuals, corporations and governments alike at constant risk.
With the average cost of a data breach reaching $4.45 million, businesses can’t afford to ignore cyber threats. Cybersecurity teams use incident response plans to prepare for and manage cybersecurity breaches.
In 2023, hackers swiped people’s personal data at an alarming rate, making data breaches the second most commonly reported type of cybercrime. In the digital Wild West, one of the ways that these black-hatted villains can be dealt with is through white-hat hacking.
February 07, 2024
With a growing reliance on digital tools in education, learning institutions are increasingly appealing targets for cybercriminals. According to Microsoft’s malware statistics, about 80% of all malicious activities target schools, making the education sector the most affected industry. Additionally, 87% of academic establishments have experienced at least one cyber attack.
Over the years, cybercrimes have unfortunately increased in both frequency and complexity. Specifically, cyber threats have increased for government institutions and agencies that are integral to its citizens' daily functions, threatening the way we live and work.
December 14, 2023
With the rise of electronic health records, patient information is more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Healthcare data breaches compromise patients’ privacy and confidential information about their health, demographics, diagnoses and treatments. In addition, cybersecurity failures put a medical practice at risk for violating HIPAA compliance and have the potential to harm a physician’s or institution’s professional reputation.
Cybercrimes are increasingly sophisticated, are more prevalent and can be executed faster than ever. To keep up with ever-evolving cyber attacks, cybersecurity professionals now regularly use AI technology to protect and fight back against cyber criminals.
Cybersecurity and privacy are deeply connected; at its core, cybersecurity is about protecting information from being seen, used or exploited by anyone who is not authorized to do so. When these protections are broken, it can feel chaotic, dangerous and sometimes scary.
Financial technology, or fintech, is one of the fastest growing sectors in today’s business landscape. It continues to reshape the way we think about our money, spending and investing…but unfortunately, all of that comes with a cost.
Organizations suffering a data breach incur huge costs, often paid for by the customer. Whether you are a manager in an organization or just an average consumer, cybersecurity breaches cost you money. The question is, how much?
Most people know not to fall for suspicious emails sent by those claiming to be Nigerian princes or long-lost relatives. But as technology advances, cyber threats have grown increasingly prevalent and sophisticated. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning offer new ways to fight cybercrime.
May 03, 2023
When a business invests in cybersecurity, it is to protect its data, devices and networks from being accessed by an unauthorized party and to prevent criminal activity through company systems. It ensures that sensitive information is kept confidential and available while maintaining its integrity.
If you’re thinking of pursuing a career in cybersecurity, then you've picked the perfect time. Data breaches, online fraud and sensitive data leaks are nothing to celebrate, but having the skills and ability to fight them certainly is.
Cybersecurity spending is projected to reach over $188 billion in 2023, with almost 3.5 million open cybersecurity jobs along with it. Employment of information security analysts alone is projected to grow 35 percent from 2021 to 2031, which is four times faster than the average for all occupations.
The past few years have seen seemingly endless cyber attacks on private businesses, federal government organizations, and critical U.S. infrastructure. In this article, we discuss key cybersecurity threats and potential risks, how businesses can be protected from potentially devastating attacks, and cybersecurity best practices that you can implement at your organization.
The Yeshiva University Katz School of Science Health has teamed up with Cyberbit, provider of the world's leading cybersecurity skill development platform, to give Katz online MS in Cybersecurity students an unprecedented opportunity to master cyber defense skills in live-fire simulations.
Yeshiva University’s Katz School of Science and Health is excited to offer students in our online Master’s in Cybersecurity program an unparalleled opportunity for cyber defense skills development through realistic, real-time cyber-attack simulations.
The fast-paced and rapidly growing cybersecurity career field urgently needs more qualified professionals. Because the stakes are high, the bar for entry into this dynamic field is also set high. To become a successful cybersecurity professional, you need both conceptual training and hands-on experience.
Yeshiva University’s Katz School of Science and Health is proud to share that Fortune has ranked our online Master’s in Cybersecurity program as #2 for Best Online Master’s in Cybersecurity Degrees in 2022.
2020 alum Jonathan Deutsch shares why he chose Katz for his master’s degree and how it’s influenced his view on leadership in technology.
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks are one of the oldest cybersecurity threats and have been around since the early days of the internet. Initially just a mild annoyance instigated by bored individuals to take down servers, DDoS attacks have evolved into complex, automated programs targeting high-profile corporations and government agencies.
When hackers strike, every IT and cybersecurity professional in an organization goes on red alert. This is the moment they’ve been training for—it’s time to put their education into action. But for security analysts to be competitive and successful, they must stay up-to-date with the latest types of cyberattacks and understand how hackers think and operate. One of the best ways to do this is with a hacking simulator.
There's an array of SIEM platforms available today that incorporate a diverse selection of tools and accommodate businesses of any size and within any industry. As two of the most popular of these tools, many experts in the cybersecurity industry debate between using QRadar vs. Splunk. While both products have powerful monitoring and analysis tools that would benefit most business types, it's important to understand their differences before deciding which one is best for you.
When companies create or release software, they organize the programming code in a way that makes it impossible to change without access to the underlying source code. But sometimes, businesses need to alter certain parts of that code for software to work with their existing IT systems. In these instances, developers use reverse engineering software to legally alter, customize, or change pre-programmed computer software.
In the ongoing battle against ransomware attacks, a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system helps organizations detect and build a defense much faster than regular IT teams can. Through a multi-layered approach, SIEM tools increase the chances of detecting a ransomware infection before it deploys, which gives your teams more time to identify to stop, remove, and repair any threat that comes their way.
If there’s a name to watch in cybersecurity, it’s Sivan Tehila. An accomplished professor, director, founder, solution architect, and cyber veteran, Sivan has her hand in almost every aspect of the industry—from education and training to implementation and evolution. However, we know her most fondly as the Program Director for the Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity at Yeshiva University’s Katz School of Science and Health.
October 20, 2021
While ransomware has been around for a couple decades, the tools, objectives, and groups associated with it have evolved substantially in the past few years. Ransomware attacks have become the bane of modern cybersecurity, and few are as insidious as Ryuk, a malware infection impacting governments and businesses globally.
As malware variants have grown increasingly more complex, the use of free, open source malware analysis tools to counteract them has increased, too. Keep reading to learn more about the five best open source malware analysis tools for 2021, their key features, why they are helpful, and why they can be risky to use.
To guarantee a heightened degree of safety awareness, cybersecurity professionals have devised a training exercise based on military drills that pit two teams against each other. Depending on your job within the cybersecurity department, you are placed on either the red team (attackers) or the blue team (defenders).
Ransomware is the most prominent type of malware used in cyber attacks. It uses encryption to make an organization’s internal data and files inaccessible to its owners, thus effectively holding the data at ransom. Usually, hackers will demand a payment or sensitive information to provide the key to unlock the encryption and access the data or system again.
Although there are dozens of tools and softwares on the market, Linux and Parrot Security OS stand out as two of the best hacking platforms available today. Read on for a deep dive into the benefits and features of these two platforms and how you can use them in your cybersecurity career.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, cybercrime has increased dramatically, giving rise to an urgent need for better network security measures. Remote workers are a particularly attractive target as they often have to use unsecured networks at home or in hotels.
Near the end of 2020, a cybersecurity company named FireEye revealed a major hack of government agencies. The attack exploited a vulnerability in the highly popular security software Solarwinds and is believed to have been instigated by Russian or Chinese hackers. The incident remains one of the most significant and sophisticated cyberattacks in recorded history, prompting testimonies from experts and raising questions about how government agencies could let this happen.
A cybersecurity framework should be a critical element of any company’s IT security strategy, particularly organizations in finance and technology. These well-structured and detailed platforms provide all the necessary guidance required for an organization to meet its regulatory and compliance needs.
For Tia Hopkins, teaching cybersecurity can’t just be about the textbook, or the certification, or the degree. It’s about showing students how to take all of that knowledge and put it to work.
Cybersecurity resumes can be a bit unique given the nature of the field and the kinds of people you will likely interact with during the hiring process. Read these tips to crafting the perfect document that not only encapsulates all of your accomplishments succinctly, but makes them impossible to ignore.
The five companies we profile here are advancing the field of cybersecurity this year through their innovation and vision. Read on to discover some of the forward-thinking organizations you could go on to work for with a master’s degree in cybersecurity.
As the evolution of AI and cybersecurity accelerates, we find exciting and sometimes dangerous cybersecurity trends making the news daily. Our world has become increasingly connected by technology and the internet, making the critical role that cybersecurity plays in defending our privacy, rights and even physical safety more vital than ever.
Cybersecurity is a complex industry with many roles demanding a diverse set of hard and soft skills, so it’s only natural to ask, “Exactly what skills do I need for cybersecurity?” The core function of a cybersecurity expert is to protect and defend an organization's IT systems against intrusions from both internal and external sources.
You may have heard that people can get hired in cybersecurity without much training. Take a moment to consider how much security those people can really ensure. Few of us, if any, would want our city’s or country’s infrastructure to rest in the care of those with cursory education.
Hospital cybersecurity is not a foreign concept. With the rise of electronic health records (EHRs), securing sensitive patient data has become increasingly important. But hospital networks are more than just a wealth of patient data. Many tools and software systems rely on a safe and functioning network to work correctly.
With so many options in the field of cybersecurity, each with their own expectations and requirements, it can be difficult to know where to begin your career search. Read these helpful tips for getting a job in cybersecurity, including the kinds of training you should seek out to ensure you’re prepared to work in this vital field.