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In advocacy, social media is a cost-effective way to rally people behind your cause and stay in touch with those who can actually make a difference.
This article delves into advocacy work that empowers you to give a voice to marginalized communities, helping them achieve equality. Explore advocacy career paths and how to get into advocacy work.
The developing brain learns through experience what is safe or unsafe and how to deal with the world’s challenges. When a child experiences traumatic events, the effects on their neurology and emotional well-being can last longer than the event itself.
PTSD affects people of every age and walk of life. Learn about PTSD’s causes, symptoms and treatment options, as well as the work that healthcare professionals do to serve such a vulnerable population.
As a core aspect of social work, advocacy involves pursuing a cause to create positive change. Advocates work to influence an individual or group, such as lawmakers, to rectify social injustices and support marginalized communities.
For those risking their lives using opioids, the question most often asked is why? Why, in the face of devastating and fatal consequences, would an individual choose to continue to obtain and use potentially lethal substances?
In response to recent tragedies, more police departments are looking to collaborate with social workers so they can avoid the bad outcomes that can arise from misunderstandings.
As a social worker, you frequently help people in vulnerable populations and communities. Many aspects of this work are complex and challenging, often requiring collaboration from interdisciplinary teams.
Although a formal education program provides a strong foundation in social work, continuous learning helps social workers stay up to date with best practices, legal standards and new intervention strategies. A lifelong commitment to learning maintains a high standard of professionalism in this dynamic profession and leads to better outcomes for clients.
Studying social work and its effect on societies is essential to understanding and enhancing human and community well-being. By effectively measuring and evaluating social work outcomes, practitioners can employ evidence-based social work practices and evidence-based treatments (EBTs) to provide structured approaches to addressing client needs.
As the internet and global commerce have created a connected world, global social work has become more important. If you're interested in applying social work principles in a global context, international social work gives you the chance to help empower people around the world in a myriad of ways.
As the elderly population increases, geriatric social work has become more important than ever. This field includes everything from helping seniors improve their quality of life to investigating and preventing elder abuse.
January 30, 2024
Child and family social workers nurture the well-being of youth and their families through robust care services. They connect clients in need with resources and use many approaches and techniques to handle complex situations, some of which are listed in this blog post.
Social issues are a significant source of concern for many Americans. Unfortunately, these issues often disproportionately affect vulnerable communities, such as impoverished people and people of color. Many policymakers and social workers seek to address these problems by promoting social justice.
January 01, 2024
Discover the transformative power of community-based social work to address local challenges, foster empowerment and create lasting change.
Explore the pivotal role of social work in healthcare. Discover how social workers address psychosocial needs, mental health, and patient advocacy for holistic patient care.
More social workers are focusing on training that highlights the impact of trauma on both individuals and communities. Explore the basics of trauma-informed social work, including the best practices for bringing trauma-informed care to your clients.
Everything from race to disability can play a defining role in someone’s life. To do their best work and get the best outcomes, social workers must understand how these identities intersect to affect the lives of their clients. Explore how to incorporate diversity and inclusion in your social work practice.
Some of the approaches used by social workers in the past may fall short of addressing current needs. To bridge this gap, social workers need to embrace new solutions in the face of social change and complex social problems.
Since mental health is such a vast and complex discipline, there can be a lot of different approaches for how to work within it. Learn about the essential role that social workers play in mental health care and the various psychotherapy modalities they use to assist people with mental illnesses, substance abuse disorders and other challenges.
In social work, there are a lot of ways in which technology allows workers to access innovative tools that enhance their services and improve their overall efficiency. This unlocks new potential but, at the same time, poses some challenges that haven’t been seen before or are actively evolving.
Social workers often face situations in which ethical standards may not match the client’s best interest. To illustrate, let’s explore three situations in which gray areas often appear.
From gun violence to human rights, the list of social issues in America and around the globe can seem overwhelming. We’re taking a closer look at these societal problems and how we can better equip social workers to deal with the effects they have on our people and communities.
Addiction is a complex and pervasive issue that impacts communities across the United States.
Some kids are traumatized by extreme acts of violence, like school shootings, but everyday experiences like bullying and emotional abuse can profoundly impact children’s emotional and physical well-being as well. Fortunately, many effective methods exist for counseling children dealing with trauma.
When children are profoundly hurt before they’re able to ask for help, in ways that deter them from doing so, it’s up to the adults in their lives to recognize the distress signals.
“Our schools are facing challenges unlike any they have seen before. Prior to COVID, fewer than half our students could read or do math at grade level. Now, after years of pandemic-related disruptions, trauma and upheaval, we risk losing a generation of students to learning loss, widening achievement gaps and fractured institutions.”
In the 1800s, you would have heard the phrase ‘battle exhaustion.’ During and after World War I, it was known as ‘shell shock.’ Around World War II, you’d have called it ‘combat fatigue.’ Today, we call it Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Historically, most research and training regarding education has focused on the academic achievement of students. This focus became especially narrowed due to the emphasis on standardized testing and achievement in American schools over the last few decades.
November 30, 2022
Research indicates that people who feel a higher calling in their jobs tend to be the most content with their career. By and large, people want to make the world a better place through their daily work.
November 30, 2022
Acronyms like “MBA” are generally universally recognized and come with a certain amount of prestige, but what is an MSW and what does it stand for? MSW stands for Master of Social Work. Like many other graduate degree programs, an MSW aims to give you the skills and knowledge needed for career...
Identifying and Understanding Common Challenges Social workers routinely encounter a variety of complex situations—some heartbreaking, some inspirational—that can involve children, indigents, the mentally ill and more. While social workers are well-trained for any situation they may encounter on...
September 14, 2022
Those who choose to become social workers know the field is complex and highly rewarding. It can be an immensely satisfying and fulfilling career, and one where you have the chance to actually see how you are helping society in a number of concrete ways. Check out four reasons to pursue a career as a social worker.
A master of social work (MSW) is the key to maximizing your earning potential as you develop your career. In fact, the demand for social worker jobs is expected to rise between 17 percent and 18 percent by 2028, so the difference in a social worker’s salary for candidates with an MSW compared to those with only a bachelor’s degree in social work is likely to be significant.
Learn the top social work buzzwords and their importance, not only in day-to-day social work, but also for showcasing skills on resumes and during job interviews.
Taking a closer look at micro vs macro social work reveals several similar goals, but also highlights the many different work settings and distinctive daily tasks. In this article, we’ll discuss all the nuances of micro vs macro social work, including its key similarities and significant differences.
Holding an MSW opens up a myriad of career opportunities. With so many paths to choose when it comes to careers in social work, it is helpful to expose yourself to different areas and career paths.
Wurzweiler School of Social Work Professor Daniel Pollack and graduate Marisa Markowitz’s article, “Is there a shortage of rural social workers?” was published by NRHA and explores rural social work issues.
Professor Daniel Pollack was featured in the New York Law Journal for an article on how to assist emotional abuse victims who want to stay in a marriage for the kids.
Learn about macro social work and the many career opportunities. The Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work will keep you up-to-date with the latest developments.
As we close in on the end of 2021, let’s get a snapshot of the current issues in social work and how leading social work organizations are calling on national leaders to participate in creating lasting change.
Yeshiva University Professor Daniel Pollack, MSW, JD, and attorney Elisa Reiter recently published an article in Texas Lawyer entitled, “Can ‘Cruel Treatment’ Impact Property Division in Divorce?”
Yeshiva University online Master of Social Work alumni JP Prettybull puts social justice into social work to help the communities they work with. Prettybull recently shared their experience with the online MSW program.
Yeshiva University Professor Daniel Pollack, MSW, JD, and associate attorney Helene M. Weiss were featured in the New York Law Journal for with their commentary article, “Interviewing and Deposing Survivors of Sexual Crimes Who Have Intellectual Disabilities.”
Yeshiva University Wurzweiler School of Social Work alumni recently had an article published in Police Chief Magazine. “Interacting with Individuals Who Have Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,” breaks down the challenges justice-involved individuals with disabilities face when interacting with law enforcement.
Yeshiva University Wurzweiler School of Social Work alumni and adjunct professor Carlos E. Gerena, PhD, LMSW, published an article, “Navigating Culture and Sexuality: What Social Workers Need to Know,” in the Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work.
Antipsychotic medication can positively affect people with mental illnesses. Learn more about psychopharmacotherapy and its value in the field of social work.
The Culturagram is a family assessment tool developed by Dr. Elaine Congress to help social workers better understand families with different cultural backgrounds. It is a particularly relevant tool for counseling immigrant families in today.
Explore the history and principles of reality therapy, when and how to use it and what is the therapist's role in this "here and now" approach to counseling.
The Wurzweiler School of Social Work’s Care Café is a community-based program providing psychoeducational support ‘cafés’ throughout the New York City metro area, and most recently, on Zoom, as adaptations were made in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Joyce Roberson-Steele, LMSW and third year PhD candidate at Yeshiva University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work, found herself helping others in a way that she had not envisioned at the outset of the pandemic.
May 24, 2021
One question often asked by people who have participated in an in-patient treatment facility for chemical dependency is: How many of us will relapse? The newly recovering addict is looking for some sense of the odds they have of staying sober.
As its importance is being discussed more in every industry, knowing the role of diversity in social work is critical. In a treatment context, diversity is about understanding how larger societal issues and the deeper historical context can directly influence their clients’ lives.
As a social worker, a treatment plan is an important tool when working with clients. This written document is a roadmap for both you and your client as you work toward addressing the challenges in their life.
When life requires a change in directions, sometimes it feels frightening. Changing can be uncomfortable and confusing. Even with a clear goal, the path forward may be hazy. The journ...
According to studies published by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), damage to the brain from drinking is a common and potentially severe consequence of long-term, heavy alcohol use. The ability to think, remember and reason, referred to as “cognitive functioning,” is adversely affected by even mild-to-moderate drinking.
With over 350 theories and therapies in counseling, therapists have a wide range of options for promoting healthy development in their patients. In general, these theories and therapies share a common goal of developing safe environm...
When people hear the term diversity, they automatically think about race. Diversity is more than the color of skin. It is about age, gender, sexual orientation, career level, religion, political status, economic status and so much more. Growing up Puerto Rican in Chicago, I never realized how important diversity was to me until I went to college.
As a new social work student, one of the things I was most excited about was my internship. As I started planning for my first, I was nervous. I was just starting social work school with only a few classes behind me. Was I really ready? How c...
Advocacy is a key social work activity, reinforced by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, which calls on social workers to “pursue social change” and “challenge injustice.” Advocacy or social advocacy is the p...
America has always been a nation of immigrants. Today, more than 40 million people living in the United States were born in another country, accounting for about one-fifth of the world’s migrants. Although the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) does not officially recognize immigrati...
September 25, 2020
There are many routes a social worker can take in their career. By working within the criminal justice system, social workers in prison provide a critical resource for inmates, helping address key issues in behavioral health and care management. These social workers face unique challenges though...
Even for a social work student, Tamar Bezalely is more than experienced at talking with clients. As a relationship consultant, she’s been working for years with singles, new couples and spouses through her company Matched by Tamar. “I get to know singles very closely so that I can help them beco...
While some professions may occasionally confront the impact of social injustice, social work is among the few careers that deal with it as an intrinsic part of their job function. It’s a social worker’s responsibility to empower their clients and help them find the resources and services they n...
Emotional intelligence is a phrase that’s often thrown around, particularly in the business community. However, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this concept is equally important for social workers to understand. Today, many recognize the five components of emotional intelligence as defined...
For nearly everyone, professional development can be beneficial to staying on top of their career, whether it involves learning about new research or mastering new innovative techniques and strategies. However, social work professional development takes on critical importance. Social workers ne...
Not every social worker’s day-to-day workload looks the same. From working with policymakers to individual families, there are countless career paths a degree in social work can take them. While each environment has its own benefits and drawbacks, the challenges faced by social workers in rural co...
On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus a pandemic. Even before the announcement, governments and communities have been on high alert as the number of those infected with the virus rises exponentially, seemingly on a daily basis...
With 2020 more than halfway over, there are countless challenges that social workers are currently facing. For many, it might feel like there are still more concerns to come. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a historic economic downturn leaving millions unemployed, and Black Lives Matter protes...
Every March, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) celebrates the profession by calling attention to the work and accomplishments of its members. Choosing “Generations Strong” as this year’s theme, the NASW wants to recognize the country’s more than 700,000 social workers, from thos...
Getting your social work license is an essential part of being a social worker, but that doesn’t mean it can’t feel overwhelming. Whether you’re still deciding on a master’s program or you are preparing to take your licensure exam, there is a lot to take into consideration. The most important: E...
It’s a question frequently asked by those who know they want to dedicate their careers to helping others: What’s the best way for me to be of service? The only way to get to the answer? Dig in and research. Otherwise, you could miss some crucial aspects about each profession. For many considerin...
About the Code The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) code of ethics serves to uphold the profession’s mission. As a profession, social work aims to improve human well-being and help satisfy the fundamental human needs of all people, with special regard to the needs and empowerment of...
December 24, 2019
The History of Grand Challenges In 2015 the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW) launched an initiative called the Grand Challenges for Social Work. Grand Challenges have been used for more than a century across different fields to address significant societal issues. O...
With a growing number of people facing traumatic events, it’s important that social workers are properly trained in disaster relief, planning, and recovery. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), since 1980 there have been 241 sustained weather and climate disaste...
Applying to graduate school has many steps, and sometimes the personal statement portion of the application can feel daunting. This submission should be a representation of your personality, passion and commitment to furthering your education, and it’s just as important as your test scores and aca...
Each person considering earning an advanced degree has their own motivations: promotions, higher salaries, expanding their skills and knowledge and gaining respect and credibility in the office. Even if their reasons for pursuing a master’s degree differ, each potential candidate likely shares the...
Why Do These Letters Matter? Letters of recommendation are a vital part of your graduate school application. While things like your test scores, transcripts and personal statement are extremely important aspects of your application, excellent letters of recommendation can help to make up for pot...
September 23, 2019
If you are drawn to the field of social work and desire to make meaningful, life-changing connections with others, consider a career in micro-level social work. A micro-level social worker can provide skillful guidance and personalized care that can alter the course of someone's life for the bette...
Social work internships—also known as field placements and fieldwork—are an integral part of an aspiring social worker’s education. As the associate director of field education for the Online MSW at Yeshiva University, Mary White makes a career out of helping students find the right career path...
The reasons why social work is needed vary depending on who you ask. The real value of social work is grounded in the field's simultaneous commitment to improving individual well-being and addressing the broader social justice issues that impact the individual. In fact, social work's code of ethic...
Technology has infiltrated our lives in ways we sometimes don’t even realize, so how have social work and technology combined in this modern era, and have we even noticed? With 90 percent of all U.S. adults using the internet1, people are connecting with each other online through sites and socia...
It may seem odd to position this topic as human services vs social work, especially since the two careers have a great deal in common on the surface level. Social work and human services are both broadly focused on helping individuals, groups and communities to improve their lives, solve problems...
June 24, 2019
If you’ve been browsing Master of Social Work (MSW) programs, you may have seen that some of them are “CSWE accredited”, while others are not. But what does CSWE mean, and why does it matter? CSWE stands for the Council on Social Work Education, and this nonprofit organization is recognized by the...
What is macro social work and what makes it different from other types of social work? To start, the social work field can be broken down into types of practice: macro, mezzo, and micro social work. The scope of work for the social worker depends on which category they practice within. Mezzo-le...
If you’ve been thinking that a job in international social work sounds like the right mix of passion and adventure, you may be right! However, there are many things you may want to consider before you jump into social work jobs overseas. While most of the innate traits of a social worker will serv...
If you’re wondering what it takes to become a social worker, and if this is a career you would be successful in, there are several things to consider. Being a social worker is a challenging but immensely rewarding career path. If you are an empathetic person who truly wants to make a difference in...
Valuing human development over a lifespan is one of the core values of the social work profession, and this is certainly true for those who specialize in geriatric social work. Social workers become closely involved with the challenges of their clients, and there is a growing need for social workers...
Chances are you are interested in the field of social work because you’ve been told you possess one or more of the skills needed to be a social worker. But what are the social work skills required to launch you into a fulfilling and successful career?
Social work is a demanding but tremendously rewarding career path with as many different areas of specialty as there are populations in need of support. Once you’ve decided that you want to be a social worker, you may find yourself wondering, "What field of social work is right for me?" The diff...
Congratulations! Your impressive resume and well-crafted cover letter have made such an impression that you’re now scheduled to interview for a social work position. This is a great opportunity to let your personality shine through and demonstrate your passion for helping people. It's natural to f...
The Benefits of Getting a Master’s in Social Work Does your work leave you personally satisfied and professionally fulfilled at the end of each day? Are your day-to-day efforts helping to move society forward, or are they helping people better navigate the world? And if the answer to either or bot...
Burnout isn't uncommon within high-stress fields. Careers that are emotionally or physically intense can wear a person out and create a situation in which they no longer feel like themselves. When someone is burned out, they may not even be able to take on their normal responsibilities, or at least not work to their full potential. This can become a particularly problematic reality when social workers burn out.
Deciding to pursue your Master of Social Work (MSW) is a major step in your career. But before you can even take that step, you have to get accepted to an MSW program. As with any application, you'll have to take care that your application materials show that you are smart and well-prepared to face the challenges both of a master's program and your eventual career. Here are some tips for crafting your submission so that you stand out amongst others applying for an MSW.
Wherever there is an individual or community caught in a social struggle, chances are there is a social worker endeavoring to help them through it. Within every societal institution—including schools, community centers and nonprofits—social workers are inv...
Whether you are looking for your first career and want to make a difference in the world, or you are already employed but looking for a more meaningful occupation, a career in social work is worth exploring. But how do you become a social worker? Regardless of where you’re starting, follow this ch...
When you hear the term "social worker," what comes to mind? For many people, social work often conjures up images of community agencies, departments of human services and of the people who work there. Yet while many social workers do work in those environments, these are not the only places wher...
Everyone experiences stress in their lives. Work, family, health, money and relationships all top the list of things that keep us from relaxing, and often, stress just leads to more stress. But in some careers, such as social work, stress levels can be higher than average due to the responsibiliti...
These days, it's very difficult to finish a graduate education without incurring some form of student debt. The most common type of debt is student loans, with the average graduate student leaving school owing $57,600.1 When combined with other types of debt, such as credit cards, as well as wit...