Social Work Practice with Addictions I
Credits: 3
Key Skills: Assessment, evaluation, and diagnostic instruments for substance use disorders; application of DSM-V diagnostic criteria; self-assessment of beliefs and biases; review of American Society of Addiction Medicine's (ASAM) multidimensional assessment; review and critique 12-step recovery programs; interpret client behaviors; evaluate severity of diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment; compare and contrast substance use, compulsive gambling, and sexual compulsivity
Description: Social Work Practice With Addictions is an elective course available in the online master of social work program that teaches assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis of addictions with case studies focused on substance abuse, alcohol abuse, compulsive gambling, and sexual compulsivity. Students will learn about the dimensions of disease but also the appropriate treatments available, such as 12-step recovery programs. By examining and applying addiction-focused screening instruments and diagnostic criteria, such as the DSM-V, Addiction Severity Index (ASI), and the ASAM assessment, students will be better prepared to engage with clients seeking assistance with psychoactive substance use disorders.
The overarching challenge of Social Work With Addictions will be identifying the presence and influence of addictions on social work clients and how this overlap may affect the helping relationship. Social work students will work to self-assess and monitor preconceptions and biases about addiction in order to better understand and help a challenging population of clients.